Golden Gardens – How Brave The Hunted Wolves – special advance sale NOW on ZIIBRA!

This week we are pre-releasing our latest album – Golden Gardens’ “How Brave The Hunted Wolves” – via With ZIIBRA, the more people that pledge to buy an album, the cheaper the price gets over a week’s time… down to even $1.99! We would appreciate your support this upcoming week, by pledging and sharing our music on ZIIBRA.

Here’s the direct link to our album:

You can even preview the album just by having an account, but with the opportunity to own for so cheap, it’s worth pledging now and getting your friends in on it too!

Here’s where the pricing can end up for everyone depending on number of buyers.

15 buyers – $7.99
30 – 5.99
50 – 3.99
100 – 1.99

This offer is up until the official album release on November 13th. Get it a week early now!

Happy Listening!

Golden Gardens - How Brave The Hunted Wolves (NS006 - 2012 Neon Sigh)

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